
New World Pale Ale

Here is a recipe for a classic American pale ale, designed to highlight a “new world” hop variety. Your new world hop can be anything you want, but practically speaking, it’s meant to highlight the new aroma- and flavor-heavy hops being bred in North America, Australia, New Zealand, and Africa. It’s not a SMaSH, but it serves the same purpose.

My most recent batch used Medusa. I also brewed one using Sabro last fall that was fantastic.

For a 5 gal. (19 L) batch (all grain):
9 lbs. (4 kg) pale malt
1 lb. (450 g) light Munich (10ºL)
Mash for 60 min. at 152ºF (67ºC)
Boil for 60 min.
0.75 oz. (21 g) Magnum (11.4% AA) for 60 min.
2 oz. (57 g) Medusa (3% AA) – whirlpool for 15 min.
2 oz. (57 g) Medusa – dry hop for 4 days
WLP001 California Ale or another clean fermenting American ale yeast
OG 1.051 / FG 1.012 – 5.3% abv

I like using Magnum as a bittering addition, but swap it out for whatever you like. Aim for around 30 IBUs of bitterness. Likewise, look to add another 10 IBUs of bitterness with a whirlpool addition of your flavor/aroma hop, and then add another charge in the dry hop.